Will be published in early February 2025!
Learn a little, pray at little, learn one little thing you can do
.... Every week! Click HERE for more about weekly emails.
Weekly email (12/04/24):
What would You Ask an Abortion Doctor?
Weekly email (12/11/24)
How You Can Help Right NOW
See Information Resources page to access past emails as well as information sheets and videos.
Get our Parent Resource Guide - Updated Dec 2024. Find a number of free resources available to download that can help you to protect your child from abuse, pornography, and early sex. Resources include conversation guides beginning at preschool age (to use correct names for private body parts), information about the dangers of pornography, sexually transmitted infections and serious health risks of hormonal contraception. Click here to download the guide.
1. Preparation: Prayer and learning. Learn with resources and our weekly email.
2. Show Love: Listen, no judgment. Avoid an atmosphere of debate or argument.
3. Speak the Truth - to a prochoice friend:
America will end abortion when enough Americans vote to end abortion.
Many of the people you know or come into contact with have accepted the "pro-choice" view. Do you know how to best help them to learn the truth and accept the pro-life view? Do you know what NOT to do, and how to answer common pro-choice arguments? While the law has now changed in Texas and other states, our culture still needs to change.
Become a Voice for Life!
Do you have time to watch a total of about 99 minutes of videos, and read about 15 pages of material? Then you have time to prepare yourself to effectively help the people you know and come in contact with to accept the pro-life view!
You can be a Voice for Life!
Get started now!
Live Presentations can also be arranged
Check out our Facebook page for the latest news!
Follow us on Twitter @VoicesforLife
We have information on all kinds of life issues!
Abortion and Breast Cancer..... In Vitro Fertilization... Post Abortion Syndrome..... Forced Abortion.... Stem Cells ... Statistics..... Federal Funding.... Emergency Contraception.... Impact on African-Americans.... Reversing the Abortion Pill....
We have: - printable documents
- links to websites and YouTube videos
Click to see the list